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The best gifts are those with a personal touch.

Why send a bouquet when you can GiftASong? To create your own song dedication, simply choose a song that is meaningful to you, customise the lyrics if you wish and watch it being performed together with a special message from you. Everyone can get involved from wherever they are in the world during its premiere on YouTube. You can even learn how to perform your own GiftASong & take part in a special GiftASong workshop!

Suitable for:

Special occasions & milestones

Encouraging someone in need

Appreciating your best clients

Product / store launch

Customise it!

(1) Curated Song Database

(2) Specific Song Selection

(3) Modified Lyrics

(4) Mash-Up

(5) The Songwriting Experience


Order your gift:

At least 1 week in advance

(Expedited orders subject to availability)


* Subject to T&C of Christiane Mikaela. Preview here​.

This is soooo special! My family is in tears just listening. Thank you so so much!"

Sample of Works by @ChristianeMikaela

All of our music experiences are fully customisable, so please write in to receive a quote. Let us help you bring your musical vision to life!

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